Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lymphoma - Surviving Lymphoma Spooky Shorty

This is Spooky I always call him Shorty.

Spooky is 13 years old & Spooky he has lymphoma. It started in May 2010 after an examination, then a ultrasound, a mass was detected in his colon.
Spooky went in for a simply colonoscopy, which turned out no so simple.
During this procedure his colon tore while trying to obtain a sample of the mass.

Spooky was rushed into surgery to repair his torn colon & remove his mass. To do this the doctor had to drop Spooky's pelvis [this means they cut into it to get the pelvis out of the way] to reach the mass.

Surgery was 5 long hours, the doctor came to tell me this might not work seeing his colon was leaking fecal matter etc into his abdomen, a serious & certainly deadly condition, the mass was very large & he had hoped he got all of it including the cut sections of the colon. Only the biopsy results would tell us.

The doctor re-attached his colon after cutting away much of the affected colon, another proble could arise if the sections contained cancer cells it could grow back very fast.

Spooky spent 7 days in ICU, during the first few hours I saw him right out of surgery my heart broke, he had tubes coming out of his abdomen to collect pus & fecal matter. He had IVs coming out of his legs pumping him with antibiotics & pain medications.

All night I called up hour by hour because every hour mattered - when I called into the morning hours I was told he was standing up & Eating & using the litter box. A good sign. Still told its too soon to tell.

For 7 days I went to sit with him he'd been given so many drugs he wasn't eating as ravenous as he did & they were worried, but his abdomen fluids were normal color a good sign no infection. He was anemic but drugs IVs fluids & not eating enough could've factored in.
I was anxious to get him home so I can help him feel better & scared like hell.

Spooky was released I was so happy and scared would he be different? For a week he stayed in the dark bathroom mostly sleeping in his litter box [newspaper] & doing his business on the floor [he had bad diarrhea & that was on everything him, box, etc]
He didn't want to eat & stayed by himself only contact was giving him pain pills.
Slowly he came out & now slept on the floor in his box - now moved to bedroom. Once he was weaned off pain pills he started to eat better.

Within another week he was almost himself again. Though having bad diarrhea he was allowed to sleep on the bed with me, which he loved.

The test results came back with devasting news, the mass was cancer it was lymphoma.I had hoped it wasn't cancer.
The great news was the entire mass was removed & the colon at the site of the mass & re-attached was totally free of cancer cells.

The next step was chemotherapy treatments for 1 full year. I saw his oncologist & was given 3 choices. 1) do nothing he dies within 3 months, 2)give predinsolone only he can live 6 months the most, 3)have chemotherapy for 1 year & it can go in remission & stay in remission.
Spooky went every week to the hospital for his treatments, he tolerated it pretty well with only slight side effects. Adriamycin caused him to have burning during bowel movements when he went too soft. Cytoxan made him be a little frightened where he wanted me to hold him & be near him, Vincristine made him not have bowel movements [only seen in dogs], & Methotrexate another that caused his poop to burn coming out.
Spooky went on to every other week for treatments & now he is on an every 3 week protocol treatment.

He has some time to go before he finishes his protocol chemotherapy treatments.

I had gotten a couple of grants to get Spooky through his treatments for the first 5 months & needed to start raising money on my own.

Now with the help of such wonderful people on twitter that are helping raise money for Spooky so he may continue with his treatments & beat cancer.

I had to raise over $10,000.00 with help I need to raise $5,000.00.
This can hopefully get him through the remainder of his treatments which is until July 2011.

His oncologists has said he may even to continue getting chemotherapy after his year is up to keep him in remission.

Please if you'd like to donate there are a few ways to do so.
By mail:
Reidel & Cody Fund Inc
PO Box 30027
Fairfield, CT 06825
please be sure to include Spooky [Shorty] Spiro on your check or money order.
At please be sure to mention Spooky.
My pay pal

His oncologist is located at NYC Veterinary Specialists 410 West 55th Street NY NY 10019 212-767-0099